Has a warrant been issued for your arrest in your Provo Orem criminal case? Has a noncompliance hold been placed on you from the Provo AP&P agent? Did you accidentally fail to appear at a regularly scheduled court hearing in your Provo Orem Justice Court case?
Hiring Provo criminal defense attorney Jake Gunter to handle your Utah County arrest warrant can help avoid additional jail and resolve your case in a reasonable manner. Based in Provo, Utah, Utah County, criminal defense attorney Jake Gunter offers free consultations regarding your arrest warrant status.
Bench Warrant for Your Arrest?
(1). Hire a Provo Orem Criminal Defense Attorney. You have to deal with your Provo Orem criminal arrest warrant or you will eventually get picked up for a traffic ticket and put in the Utah County Jail. Dealing with the arrest warrant head-on is the best option for resolving your warrant. As a general rule, arrest warrants do not go away on their own. Sometimes really, really old arrest warrants come back up for review and the prosecutor will decide not to move forward and release the warrant, but I would not count on it.
When you hire an experienced criminal defense attorney they can help position you in the best light before you see the judge to lift the warrant. Proper positioning of a criminal defendant to get the best possible chances of lifting the warrant without significant jail is critical. Consulting with Provo based criminal defense attorney Jake Gunter can help you with that.
(2). Stipulation Agreement with the Prosecutor. When hiring a Provo Orem criminal defense attorney to deal with your arrest warrant, often your defense attorney can obtain a stipulation with the prosecuting attorney to agree to lift the warrant. After obtaining a stipulation to lift the warrant, you present a stipulated motion to lift the warrant and set the matter for a status hearing. A stipulated motion is the best chance at having the warrant lifted without having to booked into jail first. Further a stipulation avoids the terrible problem of getting arrested on a Friday afternoon or holiday weekend and therefore having to spend more time than necessary in jail before seeing the judge on Monday to set bail.
(3). File a Contested Motion to Lift the Warrant. If you can’t get a stipulation from the prosecuting attorney, your Provo Orem criminal defense attorney can file a contested motion to lift the warrant. Often your Provo Orem criminal defense attorney will attach drug testing, employment records and character letters to bolster your chances of getting the warrant lifted.
Call Provo Based Criminal Defense Lawyer Jake Gunter. Payment Plans Available.
(1). Utah Warrants Search. https://secure.utah.gov/warrants/index.html. Search for active warrants and the underlying court case associated with that specific warrant.
(2). Utah’s Xchange System. https://www.utcourts.gov/xchange. An paid subscription open to the public where you can pull court documents and see what occurred on the docket report of most publicly filed cases.
(3). www.utcourts.gov. Where to view the court calendars and other invaluable information.
(4). Provo Police Department.
48 South 300 West
Provo, Utah 84601
Phone: (801) 852-6210
(5). Orem Police Department.
95 Center Street
Orem, Utah 84057
Phone: (801) 229-7070
(6). Orem Justice Court.
97 Center Street
Orem, Utah 84057
Phone: (801) 724-3900
(7). Provo Justice Court.
75 E 1700 S #100
Provo, Utah 84606
Phone: (801) 852-6878
(8). Utah County Justice Court.
151 S University Ave #3300
Provo, Utah 84601
Phone: (801) 851-7200
(9). Bail Factors by Utah Statute.
(a). What are the criminal charges?
(b). How many Utah criminal charges are there?
(c). Has the judge already heard evidence on the case? E.I a preliminary exam, evidentiary hearing, or suppression hearing?
(d). What is the defendant’s Utah and out of state criminal history? Are there other pending charges?
(e). What are the defendant’s community ties which will ensure the defendant’s court attendance?
(f). If convicted, what is the severity of the criminal sentence that could be imposed?
(g). Is there a history of missing court?