The Utah Division of Professional Licensing. Other known at “DOPL.” DOPL reports to the Utah Department of Commerce.
DOPL is charged with licensing nearly 60 different Utah professional licenses. Interestingly, DOPL does not govern attorney admissions and licensing. Never has. The Utah State Bar is a private organization and non-governmental that governs attorneys. DOPL doesn’t govern teaching licenses either.
DOPL is charged with disciplining each license they grant. DOPL maintains a public internet listing of most disciplinary action against any license holder at:
10 year Disciplinary Listings: Most DOPL discipline must be publicly listed on their websites for 10 years. See Utah Code 63G-4-106(2).
Unless otherwise required by federal law, if an agency maintains, on a state-controlled website available to the public, a record of administrative disciplinary action, the agency shall remove the record of administrative disciplinary action from public access on the state-controlled website by no later than 10 years from the date:
(a)a final order related to the administrative disciplinary action was issued; or
(b)the administrative disciplinary action was commenced, if no final order was issued related to the administrative disciplinary action.
5 Year Early Expungement: You can expunge your DOPL public disciplinary listing at 5 years if you can prove the following:
(1). Criminal Expungement. You expunged the underlying criminal conduct that led to the DOPL disciplinary listing, or,
(2). 5 Year Waiting Period. The 5 year waiting period had expired and you complied with all terms of the DOPL sanctions.
(3). No New Offenses. You don’t have any other disciplinary action that is similar to what originally were disciplined for.