Utah Criminal Defense


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Stays of Utah Justice Court Sentences Pending Appeals

September 23, 2021 |

QUESTION:  I was sentenced to 10 days jail on a first time domestic violence conviction.  The Utah Justice Court judge got it completely wrong.  Can I stay the imposition of the jail sentence? ANSWER:   YES.   You can ask that the sentencing justice court judge to stay the jail sentence.  And then appeal any adverse decision… Read more »


August 30, 2021 |

WHY APPEAL YOUR UTAH JUSTICE COURT JURY VERDICT. Sometimes a jury trial in a Utah Justice Court can be wild and the evidence rules may not be applied like they should be.  Often you have non-lawyer judges who don’t understand cross-examination and have certainly never been a lawyer, trying a lawsuit to a jury.  They… Read more »

Is the lawyer you are about to call have 20 plus jury trials? Experience matters in criminal defense. Contact Jake today!

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(801) 373-6345

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