November 29, 2021
What Can be Drug Paraphernalia in Utah? In Utah drug paraphernalia is what the jury says is drug paraphernalia. The technical, statutory wording of what constitutes drug paraphernalia in Utah reads: 58-37a-3. “Drug paraphernalia” defined. As used in this chapter, “drug paraphernalia” means any equipment, product, or material used, or intended for use, to… Read more »
November 29, 2021
What Is A Utah Preliminary Hearing In a Criminal Case? This blog post addresses the Utah preliminary hearing. What is it, when is used? A preliminary hearing is a weeding out mechanism for bad cases. The primary purpose is ferreting out groundless prosecutions. Preliminary hearings are only for Class A Misdemeanors and above. All… Read more »
November 02, 2021
WHAT HAPPENS IF I PLEAD GUILTY TO A VIOLENT CRIME? CAN I EVER GET IT EXPUNGED IN UTAH? Utah has very liberal expungement laws. But there are some limits on what types of Utah criminal convictions you can expunge. UTAH CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS YOU CAN NEVER EXPUNGE: The basic list of criminal convictions you can’t expunge… Read more »
November 02, 2021
UTAH WILDLIFE CODE VIOLATIONS CAN SUSPEND YOUR UTAH HUNING AND FISHING PRIVILEGES. Any conviction or violation of the Utah Wildlife Resources Code of Utah can result in your Utah hunting and fishing privileges being suspended. BASIC HUNTING/FISHING LICENSE SUSPENSION RULE. The basic law suspending your Utah hunting or fishing privilege is found at Utah… Read more »
October 28, 2021
SPRINGVILLE CITY MISDEMEANOR CHARGES. UTAH CRIMINAL DEFENSE LAWYER JAKE GUNTER. TXT (801) 373-6345. Springville/Provo, Utah County based criminal defense attorney Jake Gunter has nearly 20 years of experience. Defending people accused of Misdemeanors and Felonies Statewide. TOP QUESTIONS WHEN HIRING A SPRINGVILLE UTAH CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY. (1). Do you specialize in criminal defense, or do you practice… Read more »
October 28, 2021
MAPLETON MISDEMEANOR CHARGES. UTAH CRIMINAL DEFENSE LAWYER JAKE GUNTER. Mapleton/Provo, Utah County based criminal defense attorney Jake Gunter has nearly 20 years of experience, defending people accused of Misdemeanors and Felonies Statewide. TOP QUESTIONS WHEN HIRING A MAPLETON CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY. (1). Do you specialize in criminal defense, or do you practice several types of… Read more »
October 21, 2021
When can I get my DUI expunged in Utah? ANSWER: You have to wait 10 years from successfully completing probation in your underlying DUI case to be eligible for a DUI expungement in Utah. How long does DUI stay on record in Utah? ANSWER: Forever unless you get an expungement. Until 2020, all convictions always… Read more »
October 06, 2021
The Problem: Jury Trial Tax. Plea Bargain and get no jail. Take it trial and lose and get jail time. As a Utah criminal defense attorney, I am always concerned about going to a jury trial, losing, having the judge hear all the bad facts and then send my client to jail because he knows… Read more »
September 23, 2021
QUESTION: I was sentenced to 10 days jail on a first time domestic violence conviction. The Utah Justice Court judge got it completely wrong. Can I stay the imposition of the jail sentence? ANSWER: YES. You can ask that the sentencing justice court judge to stay the jail sentence. And then appeal any adverse decision… Read more »
August 30, 2021
WHY APPEAL YOUR UTAH JUSTICE COURT JURY VERDICT. Sometimes a jury trial in a Utah Justice Court can be wild and the evidence rules may not be applied like they should be. Often you have non-lawyer judges who don’t understand cross-examination and have certainly never been a lawyer, trying a lawsuit to a jury. They… Read more »