Call Nephi Criminal Defense lawyer Jake Gunter for a free consultation regarding your Juab County criminal charges at (801) 373-6345. Jake Gunter is an experienced attorney handling drug charges since his began practicing law in 2004.
Charged with drug charges in Nephi City?
Nephi criminal drug charges can be serious and often will suspend your driver’s license, even when you live out-of-state. Simple Marijuana possession while driving a car will suspend your license for 120 days—every time you are charged. Paraphernalia possession of syringes, needles, pipes, spoons, bags, tin foil, etc., can also suspend your Utah driver’s license for 120 days. It is essential to have a Nephi Criminal Defense Lawyer to advise and advocate for you once you receive a Jaub County criminal drug charge. Drug distribution of meth or heroin carries substantial felony charges and possible prison time, which is another reason you don’ t want to show up to court without a Nephi Criminal Defense Lawyer.
This may be classified as a joint possession offense. If you are found in the same vicinity as drugs during the time of arrest or charge, for example if the drugs are your friends and not your own and you did not partake, there are multiple factors a jury or judge must consider before finding you personally guilty of drug possession:
1. You must have intended to possess the drugs.
2. Where were the drugs found?
3. How close were the drugs to your physical location?
4. How many other people were in the room or car with you where the drugs were found?
5. What is the criminal record of the other people in the room or car where the drugs were found?
6. Did anyone make incriminating statements indicating possession of the drugs?
7. Who had ownership of the car or home where the drugs were found?
It is important that your Jaub County or Nephi Criminal Defense Lawyer is able to advocate for you concerning these critical questions the jury or judge has to face when deciding to convict you of a drug charge.
Nephi City DUI charges? Free consult (801) 373-6345.
First offense simple possession Meth charges are a classified as a Class A Misdemeanor. There are 5 controlled substance classification levels in Utah. Meth is a schedule II. On a Second conviction of a meth possession charge, and or on a third or subsequent conviction, simple Meth possession can carry a third degree felony as seen here on Utah Code Ann. 58-37-8(b) (2020). This means your meth drug charges can quickly become a felony. When convicted with any kind of misdemeanor or felony in Nephi, make sure you understand your charges and the law around drug use by contacting a Nephi Criminal Defense lawyer as soon as possible.
The law is changing in Utah with regards to simple Marijuana use. Yet, as of February 2020, using Marijuana without a medical Marijuana card issued by a medical doctor, is still a crime. Simple Marijuana possession will suspend your Utah driver’s license if you were operating a car at the time of the offense. It is still advised to take marijuana charges seriously, and to consul with a Nephi Criminal Defense Lawyer when facing these charges.
Call today for a free consultation with Juab County and Nephi Criminal Defense Lawyer Jake Gunter. (801) 373-6345.